
37th Annual St. Lucie Regional STEM Fair
Save the Date!
February 7, 2025
Welcome to the St. Lucie County Regional STEM Fair page! We are working diligently to bring you the best STEM fair experience yet!
Our St. Lucie County Regional STEM Fair allows students from public, private and charter schools in grades 6-12 to showcase their investigative skills in science, technology, engineering, and math.
Any schools that wish to participate need to designate a STEM Fair coordinator for the school site. The coordinator must reach out to jennifer.abbott@stlucieschools.org to affiate with our regional fair.
Students will submit projects to the fair to compete in one of 13 categories in the junior (grades 6-8) and senior (grades 9-12) levels. Students who compete can win prizes based on their category of submission, level of rigor, and experimental design. Some student projects from this event will be selected to represent our regional fair at both the State Science and Engineering Fair (SSEF) and the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF). Here is a breakdown of our St. Lucie student participation:
We are proud of all our students who competed at the regional and state levels and we appreciate the time and effort they put into their investigations!
Our purpose for this fair is to promote interest and student achievement in the STEM fields. We encourage students to explore the world in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math to gain a better understanding of the world around them and to help make the world they live in a better place.
We appreciate your support and look forward to a STEMtastic fair this year! There are two forms below. One form is to register as a judge, and the other form is to donate to sponsor the fair. Please consider becoming a judge or sponsoring the fair.
If you have questions or need support, please email jennifer.abbott@stlucieschools.org or call 772-429-3615.
Thank you to our 2024-2025 STEM Fair Sponsors!